Crew: 11.15 pounds 23 3/4 inches
This month has been a combination of absolute joy as we watch them come out of their infancy and see more of their tiny personalities developing while simultaneously struggling to overcome growing pains that come with learning how to take care of Coyt and Crew and give Stacey and Wyatt all the time and attention the need.
I got to sit down with a friend who is 30 weeks pregnant with twins and has two at home already and offer a little glimpse into this circus. Of course I told her how AMAZING it is and how the very sight of these two can bring me to tears of joy when I think about the incredible blessing and privilege it is to have twins and to be their mommy. But I also told her, this is hard!! And we by no means have it down or get it right all the time.
Love that they soley nurse, sleep 6 hours through the night, and look identical!
They could not be cuter! You're a rock star for nursing exclusively and for all those cute rolls on those boys. Doll babies!
Gah! Look at those dimples!! I'm just reeling from all the cuteness in those babies.
I can't imagine the challenge of two + twins! But I know y'all are rock star parents and are doing an amazing job with your brood of boys.
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