The Easter season is always one of my favorites and this year was no exception.
We kicked off our long weekend with school parties.
First Wyatt's class.
Some of the goodies.

My favorite kind of rabbit food :).
Peter's (Cottontail's) Playhouse
Rabbit Racer
Easter Express

Bitty Bunny Bouncer. Thank Heavens Honey was there to help with these bunny buddies!!
Tiny, the bunny, was a total pro and huge hit with all the kids!! Thank you Black's for loaning her out.

Even Coyt and Crew loved her (and based on this season of pictures mostly in which they are both crying their eyes out, that is really saying something!).

Sadly, I just heard Tiny went to see her maker (due in no part to the Easter party) but I'd say she went out with a bang and spent her last days with endless affection. ;)

After lots of playing and snacking it was time to hunt some eggs. We had just a few to hide!

The hunt was on. We let all the three and unders go first, but don't let these big boys try to fool you they love the hunt just as much as the little ones.
Wait just a second, who is that hopping over??? The Easter Bunny himself (or herself depending on the time of day these were taken ;).
Look out III there is a giant bunny behind you!
The C's prefer their bunnies small and fluffy. Can you really blame them?
How about a cousin pic? Perfect! :)
Must be the Easter Bunny's kid brother.
I sort of forgot to take any pictures of our friends, but I promise we have a few and they were there. :) Kacey and I had so much fun throwing this shindig. Can't wait for next year!
1 comment:
So sad to have missed out this year! What a great party and I have to admit....the funniest lines in this post were about the rabbit meeting his maker. Poor, sweet bunny! Miss you and love you!
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