This party got off to a slow start with a location change, invite reprints and invitation delivery mishaps. But thankfully once party day was here it was smooth sailing and we all had a ball. Most of all the birthday boy, Wyatt!
The invitations:
I ordered these tickets invitations on Etsy. Wyatt really enjoyed picking out which bird or pig to give each guest and delivering them.
Wyatt's Girl Red Bird (I helped a little with the eyelashes):
Ryan's Mighty Eagle:
Stacey III's Red Bird & King Pig:

The favors:
I found these balls at Party City and thought they looked sort of like a bowling ball and were a fun container for the party favor loot.
Signing the birthday book, Angry Birds Space. I wasn't sure what kind of book the Angry Birds would have to offer but this one, by National Geographic, is full of fun space facts and history. Some are great for now an others are still over his head so I think wy-guy will enjoy it for a long time.
Angry Ally, even with her angry bird eyes she still looks happy and sweet.
Super Birds!!
After Halloween I stocked up on these generic super hero capes on clearance. I thought we might have a super hero party in our future and if not I could just use them for birthday gifts. So, when we decided to go Angry Birds I thought...super birds??? Why not!! A little felt for eye brows and a beak and we had a full flock of super angry red birds. :)
Bird is the word!
Sarah, the "Golden Bird" as an impressed bowling ally patron called her, was awesome. She helped set everything up and hello, she came in full angry bird costume!! When she asked me if I would like for her to borrow a fiends costume for the party I of course said HECK YES! She even had her picture taken with some random kids and, fingers crossed, I think she may have secured us a spot on the birthday wall of fame at Westview Lanes!! HA! I can only imagine what the criteria is for this honor. I imagine Sarah next to a slew of bowling party pictures from the 70s.
Little love for our birthday boy!
Five-years-old and proud of it!
Preschool bowling is highly entertaining.
I love that they are both bowling with their masks on.

The whole bird bunch:
I mean the whole ANGRY bird bunch:
Battling feathers:
I had scattered feathers around the tables (because you know birds and feathers), but I had no idea they would provide so much entertainment! They quickly became like cigarettes in prison. One black feather was like a whole carton and could be traded for just about anything!
Simply Delicious made the cake and I thought they did a great job. Do you love the purple bowling ally table?
Singing Happy Birthday
And many more...
You didn't think we'd left these birds of a feather out did ya?
To bad our boy isn't loved. :)

A few more pictures with the talent

Wonder if he's met the Easter Bunny's kid brother?
I think our birthday boy loved every second of his party and was thoroughly celebrated!
I would like to sign off with some angry birds gibberish...a-hinginga huluyaha- pugui weeee wa-ga goohoo leeweeeeeeeee arrah itu punyaku...not sure that translated, but just imagine Angry Bird's sound effects. :)
Of awesome party!!! Loved the family picture. We sure miss you guys!!!
Hi. I love your Angry Birds party! Can you please tell me the name of the etsy seller that you bought the invitations from? I didn't see anything similar on etsy when I looked. Thanks so much! Andrea
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