Christmas morning with our family was great. The boys are at such fun ages and so precious waiting to see what Santa brought them. Stacey checked to see that he had enjoyed his milk and cake balls. He said "Yep, he ate them." Check. Then it was onto the stash!!
Santa has LOTS of helpers with everyone contributing to the loot so the boys haul was ridiculously sweet! They must have been very good this year.
Oh the joy!
Right before we walked out Stacey leaned in and whispered to me, "I hope Santa brought me some Bakugans!" And thankfully Santa had added some last minute. Phew. I realize that my kids will not always get everything they want for Christmas but when $4.99 stands between them and that dream we can make it happen! Well $10.99 I went with the deluxe starter kit. :)
I had previously told him I wasn't sure if they made Bakugans at Santa's workshop - thinking he just wanted some because Landon (his mentor #2 right behind his cousin Ryan) had them but didn't really care about them. However, they continued to be at the top of his list and were the one thing he asked Santa for when we visited earlier in the week.
When he saw them he said, "See Mom, I told you they could make these at Santa's workshop!" I could have just eaten up every little bit of his 4 year old cuteness!
And I love this little bat-boy too!!
When I asked Wyatt the next day what Santa had brought him he said, "I got sprite!! And a hepicopter (helicopter)" I love that the first thing he thought of was his ornament shaped Sprite. :)
We spent the rest of the morning in our PJ's just playing and playing and playing and finished the day with a FANTASTIC meal prepared by my Dad and a trip to the movies.
I can't help but feel beyond blessed.
Only 355 days until we get to do it all over again. :)
I am so glad Santa's workshop makes Bakugans! :-) These posts are wonderful and I too LOVE the bedhead in the pics. Too too sweet. The Purdy Christmas sounds so much like the Boyd Christmas.....having to wait to come out, chaos from all the kids, I LOVE IT!!
So fun!!! I am missing my Cary this week to hang with:( Hope you guys are back to normal and having a great new year!
Sprite!!:-) Wyatt and SO cute! I love how excited III was throughout Christmas, it was so fun to see his sweet expressions and excitement. Such a great Christmas morning.
Love these posts. Feel like I was there! Purdy and Watkins houses do things very similar...and now Smith and Junods are like twinkies! The every-so-dramatic Cmas morning is a must...didn't happen at my in-laws and I was extremely bummed...sore subject! Miss you so much.
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