I have been really encouraged reading everyone's Easter posts about our saviors great sacrifice. As a mother I feel more grateful than ever for the sacrifice that God made sending his son to die for us. I went though the Resurrection Eggs this season with the boys (mostly Stacey) and while I struggled a little explaining several of the stories to my sweet three year old, (Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 coins - can I get a little help on that one?? I kept asking Stacey if I offered him money or Wyatt which would he choose, he kept choosing the money :) - but I digress) it was great to be reminded of the days that lead to the cross and the victory of the resurrection! He Has Risen!! He Has Risen Indeed!!
We stayed in Waco through the weekend and got to celebrate Easter with my family. We hadn't hyped up the Easter Baskets too much so they were a really fun surprise that morning.

Stacey was pretty hilarious going through his basket, with every egg he would say. "I wonder what's in this one?!" And no matter what was inside he was ecstatic. He even got excited about the clothes. Sweet moments like these that make up for all the rough parts of having a three year old.

The Spider Man and Lightning McQueen Band-Aids were a hit.

Then it was time to get ready for church. Happy little bunnies. I wonder how many more years I'll be able to get them to wear bunny ears? :)

And of course the annual photo shoot that my husband loves! It was too wet to get pictures in the bluebonnets so we had to settle for the back porch.

Ally and Wyatt getting ready.

Thanks Honey for the coordinating outfits! I love Ally's sweet expression in this one.

Honey and GP with all 5

Then it was back to the baskets for more candy...It's hard to tell, but I think he had a pretty good day?


This little snuggle bunny might be the sweetest baby ever!!

Then, after naps it was time for one more Happy Birthday To Wyatt on his real birthday. I had asked for a candle in his pancake at brunch, but the restaurant didn't have any, next time I 'll know to bring my own.

It was a great ending to a wonderful weekend.
OH CARYN!! What a weekend! I wish we would have been there for the birthday! That party was unreal and absolutely precious! As usual I loved the details. You look beautiful in yellow! The boys look so adorable in their pink shirts. I loved the basket spread and all the coordinating cousins! Miss yall like crazy and would love for you to be here with Ash and Shan. I was so glad to see their faces! Thanks for all the great posts! LVU!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend...the boys look precious!!!
Such sweet times were had at the Purdy household this past weekend! Love you guys and miss you tons!
It was such a fun Easter! We really did have such a great time with you guys. I love the tiny cupcake pics with Wyatt. It is still hard for me to believe that he's actually 2! great pics:-)
Caryn, I just got all caught up on your blog. Those boys are just too cute! You sure are a fun family:)
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