When I picked him up he had a special snack waiting in the car - cheese-its and M&M's - but trust me as far as he is concerned it was a top notch snack. The first thing he asked me was, "Mommy, can I share this with Wyatt?" What a sweetie!!
We already have our first piece of MDO refrigerator art, a lovely rendition of Stacey himself. I was admiring his handiwork on the ride home and as we were headed through the tunnel under Spring Valley he said, "Hey my pichure is going through this tunnel wiss us!!"
The copycat jumped into place for a photo just like big brother. I think they missed each other today. I wish I could have captured the chocking embrace they gave each other when we picked up Stacey. They ended up on the floor in true UFC fashion but were both smiling ear to ear.
I didn't take as many pictures but our day was so similar. These Smith boys are so so cute. Wyatt is a hoot and Stacey is sweet heart. I love to hear all he talks about. Wish I could bottle them up right now. I know you would agree! Well, not all of it but most of it. Cute boys...great post!
I'm so glad that he had a great day...amazing how a little time away helps everyone!! Wyatt has THE BEST SMILE ever!!
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