Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

We (I) had sort of run out of summer steam by August and my lack of Mommy mojo coupled with the crippling heat of our glorious Texas summers meant that (with a few fun exceptions sprinkled in of course!) we were L-A-Z-Y. 

The boys watched eight million shows and I pretty much perfected living in my PJs while letting go of the dream that this was going to be the summer my boys learned to love reading and this was going to be the summer where my consistent discipline methods and creative but effective punishments had us dishing out encouragement to one another instead of "Did you just spit on your brothers back?" It wasn't pretty! 

Although now that we are back to our school routine and I have packed THREE whole days worth of lunches those lazy days don't sound too bad! What can I say we're (I'm) hard to please.

Here are a few pictures of our last few days of Summer 2013.

Leftover experiment from materials I purchased back in June when I was rocking this summer thang. ;)

Cornstarch quick sand.
It quickly went from and educational moment to a "You Can't Do That On Television" slime fight. Hey whatever's August.

A few cooler evenings actually had us enjoying the outdoors, kind-of crazy for August!
Super Coyt!
Getting a lift from III.

I do hope they will wear clothes again someday? Wasn't worth the battle...especially in August.
The boys had been begging to have a lemonade stand all summer so on our last day we (I) finally did it! It was short lived but they loved it and now want to do it everyday. I think my neighbors are going to think it's a little less cute and the lemonade is a little less worthy of the $1 tip if they are out there every day.

Big spender

And Wyatt lost another tooth...this post has about as much charisma and forethought as...August. ;)

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