Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back To School

We have officially completely our first week back to school, albeit a three day week. But with the abrupt shift from the lazy days of summer to early mornings, routine and speedy afternoons I think a three day week was just what the doctor ordered so that we could all get our feet wet and then catch our breath before diving back in next week!!

Little teacher treat. :)
The boys were super excited and have truly Loved every single day.
(should have let me chalkboard dry a little longer - oh well)

I got cheesy having them pose next to some decor - can't help myself sometimes.

Love these two uniform wearing, school loving boys!

Best administrator ever!!
Family picture. GP stayed with the wonder twins so that Daddy and I could both see off our Bigs.
I was ready for back-to-school and so were Stacey and Wyatt, but I couldn't help but get a little oh where is this time going when I walked by Mrs. Sim's kindergarten classroom and was reminded that my first and second grader are BOTH upstairs, both big kids now!
Wyatt has the incredible Mrs. Lindsey, Stacey's teacher last year and a family friend we have known since birth so obviously we love her!!
Stacey has Mrs. Wallace, who he already LOVES and who Ryan (who had her two years ago) called the best teacher ever!
Super excited about both the boys sweet teachers.

Look who we ran into dropping off big sister Lila at her firs day of preschool. :)
LOVE that I get to share our school days with my SISTERS!!
Honey had some little helpers that wanted to stay at school too. :(
These two peanuts are in the same class again - yeah!!! Wyatt looks big to me here...sniff sniff
We love WCS and are very excited about a great year!!!

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