Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Shelley snapped a few sweet pictures of my babies one weekend in Dallas. I thought they captured their littler personalities and interaction with each other so well. Thanks Shelley!

 Double Trouble
 Just to mess with you now Crew is in pink and Coyt is in green. ;)

 These little cutting eyes are seen regularly around here!

Right now Coyt is pretty bossy pants. He wants WHATEVER Crew has and pretty much demands that he gets it. Even if they have the exact same thing! Typically, Crew would rather give him the toy or cup or whatever and move onto the next thing than put up too much of a fight. Except for when he doesn't feel quite so compliant and then it's a battle.

They are still two peas in a pod and can usually be found together.

They are both messes and get things out faster than I can put them up. A LOT faster. Their latest obsession, other than choos (shoes), is putting anything they can find into my bathtub and then turning on the water. Good Times. :)

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