Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back To School!!

If I am totally honest I was READY for the First Day of School this year. This Summer with my four feisty, needy, cranky, messy, stubborn, wonderful, precious, funny, amazing handfuls left me pretty weary. 

I don't want to be one of "those Mom's" that is excited about her kids going to school. And I felt really guilty about my lack of sentiment as I sent Wyatt off for his first day of Kindergartner, but that was just how the cookie crumbled this year.
 We were set with a little teacher gift.
 We had read all of our back-to-school-ish books. We've actually accumulated several really cute ones!
The house was festive (I has supper club here the weekend before so I had extra motivation for back-to-school decor...not that I need a lot of motivation to get me rolling with a theme ;)).
This picture pretty accurately describes our morning - YAWN!! We had just gotten back from Telluride a few days before and we were having trouble adjusting back to the school schedule!
But other than being a little sleepy my big boys were ALL smiles.
This kid was READY for kindergarten. And he did look so big and grown up in his cute little uniform (I mean I'm not heartless).

When he tried on his uniforms a few weeks earlier I was ooing and ahhing over how cute and grown up and kindergartnerish he looked. A few minutes later he came over and whispered in my ear, "Mom, say some more stuff about how I'm a Kindergartner."WYATT PURDY SMITH I ADORE YOU!
 Happy Campers
I had originally thought Stacey would be out of town so I had asked GP (or BP as the Cs are currently calling him) to watch Coyt and Crew. But his trip got cancelled so we ALL got to be there, a nice treat. 

Stacey takes the boys to school every morning on his way to work which is an incredible blessing for me!! SO he accurately noted that I was actually the one tagging along for the first day not him.
"Mrs Purdy" the principal. Such a sweet blessing to have our Honey at school with the boys every day.
 Wyatt's classroom

 Stacey's room.
 Smart Board sign in (First Grader is D.O.N.E. with pictures at this point)
Cousin Twin - another awesome perk, having your cous in your class - AWESOME!
This year Stacey has Mrs. Lindsey who I have had the privilege of knowing for literally forever!! So wonderful to have someone I know and trust shepherding my alpha this year!! Not to mention that she is an incredible teacher.
And Wyatt had the AMAZING Mrs. Sims, who Stacey had last year, and we LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Praise the Lord for awesome teachers!
 Hey Guys! Social Butterfly.
 Sweet Mommies that I get to enjoy this year!!
 We are so thankful for and blessed to be a part of Woodway Christian!

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