There is no rhyme or reason to these pictures, which seems to be my blog MO lately, (I might have just googled MO to make sure I was using that term correctly) but, here are a few snapshots of our six pack circus. About half were taken on the iphone while my camera battery waited to find its charger. These "this and that" or "around the house" or whatever you want to call them, posts always seem so random when I'm posting them...because they are...however, when I look back they are also some of my favorites. :)
Blurry brothers (Crew & Stacey)
Sharks soccer fan club...more soccer pictures to come now that the aforementioned battery and camera have reunited.Super babies holding their own bottles.
Double snuggles from Daddy.
Racket ball man strikes again!!
My cutie-pie kindergartner. :)
Scrub a dub dub two babies in the tub!
These two precious messes went to the doctor yesterday for their 9 month check up and low and behold they were both on the charts!! 25% for weight and 50% for height!! They are almost exactly the same size these days both 28" tall, and 18 pounds (Crew 18.4 lbs, Coyt 18.1 lbs.).
Until my next random "Mode of Operation" post. ;)