Thursday, August 22, 2013

Double Duty

Consider yourself warned this is a potty training post so the level of, NO ONE CARES BUT ME, goes up a hefty percentage. However, in my eyes the 2T underwear cuteness makes up for the lack of interesting subject matter. ;)
I mean really, could they be any more precious?? ;) ;)

I have dreaded potty training these two monkeys since the thought first crossed my mind. They don't tend to be my "go with the flow" (potty pun) "easy peasy" type. So i envisioned them throwing temper tantrums and pretty much refusing to sit on the the stereo. But, alas you have to take the plunge (I mean it is like taking candy from a baby these puns) at some point so I decided while the Bigs were at Cousins Camp with Honey and GP I would go for it!

Not an easy decision considering I was giving up a weekend with two less children to take on what I perceived could be the most miserable week of my life. I realize that means my life is ridiculously cushy and yes, I might be just a bit dramatic, but, the dread was legit.
We picked out new undies, got another step stool, read the bathroom books, set out the treats, "threw away" the diapers and loaded up on juice.

I use the "Three Day Potty Method" that some other more purposeful, planning, Type A Mother created but I think she knows her stuff.
The first morning (as is to be expected) was LONG. I looked at the clock FULLY expecting it to be close to lunch time and close to Daddy's arrival home with a big dose of moral support and it was...8:30. 8:30!!! I had only been at this about an hour and I thought I was going to lose it. It felt like an ETERNITY before one of them actually went in the potty so that we could celebrate. But then something miraculous happened. They went. And then they went again. And they TOLD me they needed to go.
I had mentioned to many friends that I was going to be potty training and they, as all good Mother friends who have done this potty training thing before do, said they would be praying - and they did. I know it seems so silly but my sweet precious friends lifted up this simple request and I have NO DOUBT that the ease with which these two grasped this potty training concept was in no small part due to God granting me a dose of grace at those requests. :)
The lack of clothing apparently created a new need to accessorize and all week we were wearing capes, hats, shoes, masks etc.
Super Cow has become on of Crew's favorite characters.
My helpers before they took off for the lake.
We spent LOTS of time in the bathroom. I finally just moved a chair in there for myself and took up residency on my stoop.
I am still using Clorox wipes, like I am single handily in a race to use the entire world supply by this weekend because they "miss" a lot. And we are trying out every restroom in town as one does with a new trainee. But this often hard headed, opinionated due made this particular page turner a fairly painless one.
Thank you my sweets, I love it when you prove me wrong. :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't get enough of those two super potty boys !!!!
