Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Eight is GREAT!!

Stacey III is 8 - yowza!!! 
His birthday fell on a Sat., this year so we enjoyed a leisurely morning with all the usual b-day flare. 

 After Wyatt's birthday he of course requested a balloon avalanche of his own. :)
 Breakfast Popsicles! Juice and gummy vitamins. I mean who doesn't enjoy starting the day with a Popsicle?

 After a nutritious breakfast :) we opened a few presents.
#8 shirt
Tummy Stuffer, oh the power of advertising. But he does LOVE this thing.
New backpack and water gun from the aunts.
Wyatt wearing his tiny build-a-bear house shoes.
After all the gifts had been opened the boys rocked out for a bit.
Band of Brothers
Then Honey and GP stopped by with...a BIG GREEN MACHINE!!

They also whisked away our tiny minions, Coyt and Crew, for the day because it was about to be Party Time!

We opted for a unconventional kind of party this year. Summer birthdays a tough because everyone tends to be traveling and we have done just about every kind of water party under the sun so this year Stacey invited just three friends and our plan was to spend the day hitting up some of his favorite places around town.

Despicable Me 2 had just come out so the movie was at the top of the list.
The bigs and I made these crazy purple minion Gatorade's the day before. I mean I can plan an unconventional party but I had to add just a tiny bit of traditional party decor. :)

Minion decorating kit.

Perfect - HA!
Our guest of honor!! Sadly Ryan was sick and his other buddy's travel plans changed last minute so it was just Hudson, Stacey and Wyatt, but honestly they were SO easy and had a ball!
The Birthday Bus was ready to ROLL!!

If you look closely you can see the eight year old on board.
Can you feel the excitement!

First stop, Pizza at Double Dave's.
Next up Dollar Tree. Each of the boys had five dollars to spend and were pretty hilarious contemplating which five things they would pick.
They ended up with tattoos, giant spiders, sticky lizards, water guns, glow sticks and one of my personal favorites big money glasses!
Then it was time for the main event, Despicable Me 2.

A few birthday calls for Mr. Big Stuff.
7-11 for Slurpees!

And finally the pool. The water guns were put to good use, but the $1 value proved short lived, go figure.

We had such a fun day with our Alpha and according to him it was the "best birthday ever"!! High praise from III!!

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