Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bun In the Oven Shower

Our cousin Lisa recently had a sweet baby girl!! But before she arrived we hosted a little "Bun In The Oven" shower to help get her ready. 

I had seen this theme on Pinterest and was just waiting for a baby girl shower so I could use it. It was perfect for a shower right around Valentine's Day.

 Sarah made this ribbon banner and I loved it so much I duplicated it for the next shower I hosted.
 Debbie (AKA Nannie) Sarah, Shelley, Me, Lisa and Cassie (Debbie's sister).
Favors, they say "Thanks for Lovin' Lisa's Bun In The Oven. I found these double ended red spatulas at Dollar Tree - Jackpot!!
 Shelley and Debbie made all the food and it was DELICIOUS!

This little pink oven was exactly what we had in mind for the table, but just one little problem, none of us had a precious little antique looking pink oven. Hmmmm bummer. However, Sarah went to visit her friend Brooke and saw this beauty sitting in the garage.  A neighbor has recently brought it over thinking Brooke's daughter might like it. We were pretty ECSTATIC (you party loving peeps understand) at our good fortune and the fabulous center piece was secured!!

 Shelley serving up some AMAZING cheese soup that Debbie made. It was AMAZING!
I'm not usually a huge fan of hearts, but with this color scheme and the fact that the shower was in February it just worked!

These ramekins were a steal at Target's dollar spot and found several uses throughout the season.

Now I've just got to get my hands on little miss Addie Kate. :)

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