Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lake Love

This summer we had some super fun times with our families at Lake LBJ. We are SOOOOOO blessed to have this special house to get together and so thankful for all that Mom and Dad do to keep it up and running for special weekends like these.

On July 5th we joined everyone else (except the daddies because it was a Thursday) and Celebrated Honey's birthday!
 Party Harty :)

It was a big birthday, so Kacey helped collect 60 memories of Mom from the whole family which we all loved hearing and writing as well as some fun money for their upcoming cruise. Isn't this a cute way to give cash?? I had nothing to do with its cleverness so I can brag on it. :)

 Not hard to think of special memories with this one!

 T-R-O-U-B-L-E ;)

This summer Stacey and Wyatt both learned how to SKI!!!! So cool. They are learning on this easy ski board thingy (pretty sure that's not the official name). They rocked it!

 Perfect picture - HA!

 Honey and a few of her girls. Isn't she a beauty! Seriously!!
We had a certain leftover pinata we'd been waiting to bust into - not to worry we knew just what to do with that donkey!
A little leisurely afternoon rock painting. A leftover activity from Cousin's Camp, which was held at the lake this year - too fun!

III is SUCH a superstar with his little bros. I am not even kidding when I say if he could learn to change a diaper i could retire!
Team Work!
They helped Crew go up and down the slide about a billion times and he was loving every minute of it!

Coyt, not so much. HA! 

"Oh yes, this chair and nutter butter are more my speed today."

A few weeks later we were back at the lake with the Smith side of the family.
 More skiing

Wyatt cracks me up with this pouty face. Just like when we (ahem Stacey) was teaching him to ride his bike. He caught on so fast and was doing and amazing job, but for some reason didn't want to be doing it, so he was pouty pouterson. HELLO you are skiing - mission accomplished - smile!!
 Brylie was fearless!!  And after a few tries she was queen on of the ski too!

 Still got it ;)
 Aunt Sarah and Truett.

Our weekend corresponded with the Olympic opening ceremonies so Nannie planned some fun Olympics for the kids.

 Ring toss
 Truett positioned himself in the middle of the action and Stacey threw a perfect toss right over his head.
 Little help from uncle Geoff (or Daddy to Truett).

 Obstacle Course

 Is that a special olympian? No, just Mommy ;)
 Nannie took a turn too, she is so great about making things special for everyone.

 This event was just the little bits speed. Set 'em up knock 'em down. Repeat three million times.

On our last morning we were planning to take some cousin pictures as we have done in years past. But we hit a few roadblocks. First, I forgot the big boys khaki shorts (and I think my happy-we're-taking pictures-in-the-heat-with-five-kids attitude got left behind with them). Black slickies and polos, not exactly the look we were going for. Strike two, Brylie's bow was missing in action. And the final blow was that my children were temporarily taken over by the antiphoto demons. Stacey III who is usual quite photogenic (I know I am biased, but the kid can turn it on) and corporative (when bribed with candy) was HORRIBLE. Found out later he also forgot to put on any underwear so we were really batting 1,000!

Most looked something like this.
I've officially requested a do over. But somehow Shelley managed to snag a few cute ones.

 My Wy-Guy

 Is this a good idea??

 OK let's try one together? No? Alrighty then. :)
 As we start back to school it's fun to look back at all the fun times at the lake this summer.

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