Tuesday, April 17, 2012

He has Risen!!!

We went to Dallas on Sat. before Easter and killed a few hours at Northpark so that I could have the annual bunny picture taken. It's not that painful for me to spend a few hours at the mall, especially Northpark. And thankfully, with the help of Aunt Sarah and Daddy, the boys hung in there too. This annual picture may prove more difficult now that we're not in Dallas, but I was very happy to add one more to our Easter book.
Sunday morning the boys had fun looking through their Easter baskets. They are at such fun ages for these special mornings.

Wyatt instantly puts on whatever he gets. Spider man socks = spider man powers.

Crew thought something was hi-larious.
Maybe it was because just moments before he discovered Jelly Beans!

Notice the shirt, again instantly must wear all gifts.
We made Resurrection Rolls for breakfast and I loved taking the time on a busy morning to focus on what this day is really all about. Plus crescent rolls, marshmallows, butter, cinnamon and sugar - yummy!

Biggie Bunny
Cheese. :)

Do you see a theme developing with our pictures? I had to laugh because all month the Crew & Coyt have loved these bunny ears. They'll bring them over to you and say "a" "a", which in addition to about a million other things, means put these on me. Then they'll take them off and on and off and on. But of course when we put them on them Easter morning and try to get a picture, no way hose!
I thought we'd attempt another family picture once we got to church, but, Wyatt fell and scraped his knee just before we snapped this one. I am learning that four kids means it's four times more difficult to get a good picture.
Whatever they were lacking in smiles for our pre-church pictures they made up for at lunch at Babe's.

Right when we walked in the door the hokey pokey was in full effect so Stacey jumped in. But the boys totally left him hanging watching from the side lines.

Babe's makes everybody smile!!

We stopped by the hospital to see Nannie at work after lunch and I snapped a few pictures by the pretty flowers.

He has risen indeed!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Easter posts!! So fun to see you all and can't wait to give big hugs in person soon!!! :) Love ya'll!!
