Saturday, January 14, 2012

It Takes A Village

My babies are ONE. I'm very aware that the continuous cries of where does the time go, it goes by in a blink, and so on are completely over-spoken, monotonous, and go without saying. But they are this way for a reason: THEY ARE JUST SO DARN TRUE!!!!!

Indulge me, lets take a little stroll down memory lane. :)

On the actual birthday we celebrated with donut holes. Forget the birthday cake, the holes were a HIT!


And then a few special gifts picked out by Stacey and Wyatt.

When I look back on the past year, or even farther back to the day we found out we were having twins, I am completely overwhelmed by God's goodness, grace and faithfulness. That he would entrust us with these two little lives is just beyond me.

I think about the first few months with no sleep and trying to figure how to manange two crying babies. I used to feel really guilty saying they were "not the happiest babies on the block", like I was talking bad about my sweet angles, but the truth was they were not super happy those first few months. And it was hard trying to balance all they needed and still love Stacey and Wyatt well - without sleeping. It was A LOT and it was hard.

They say it takes a village and I am a believer!! We would not have made it without all the help and support of our family and friends who helped us do everything from driving carpool and having the house cleaned to bringing meals. The word Twins was barely out of our mouths and they were already geared up to help - more than we could ever have known we'd need

There is an old song called "Two Sets of Jones" by Big Tent Revival (if you didn't spend most of the 90s on a church bus like me then google it cause I sort of still love it...come to think of it, it might just be the nostalgia of that church bus??) anyway, there is a line in the song, that I think about ALL the time

Rueben was holding a Gideon's Bible
he screamed, "it's a boy" so that everyone heard.
The guys at the factory took a collection
Again, God provided for bills he'd incurred

I know some of you are singing along with me now. ;)

It's that last line, "Again, God provided for bills he'd incurred" that regularly finds it's way to the forefront of my mind.

When we got pregnant with our sweet precious baby #3, who was "planned" for lack of a better word, we were already expecting sweet Jesus to provide in ways that only He can, yet always has for us. So, when we got the news that we were having a SUPER SURPRISE baby #4 and not one but TWO babies, lets just say we got down a little lower on our knees with those prayers for provision!!


God's village, of people who love Jesus and therefore love us well, along with Coyt and Crew who after about five months decided to sleep and then really were the happiest babies on the block, :) have made the last year one of the best years of our lives.

As the bills continued to roll in, and role in, and role in - it's not like a two for one deal just in case you were wondering - we got pretty overwhelmed. I called on our two largest bills and prayed before hand that the Lord would give me someone helpful and understanding to talk to at the hospital. I ended up on hold for no less than 40 minutes, all the while doing the tango with Crew and Coyt trying to keep them quit because I knew at any second this helpful, cooperative, Godly woman on the other line was going to pick up.

She didn't, I got disconnected.

But then she did. And thanks to her suggestion - which I firmly believe could have been overlooked or unmentioned by another representative - we filled out a few simple applications and the hospital was able to grant us almost $10,ooo in coverage that would have otherwise come out of our pockets.

You better believe that when those letters came in saying they would in fact cover the bills I was singing, "AGAIN God, AGAIN You provided!!!"

But it wasn't just the big bills that he provided for. I was blessed with a diaper shower that stocked our closet with diapers for the first few months and just about the time those diapers were running out Stacey's small group boys (high school boys mind you, yes, with organized mothers, but still, high school boys!!) showed up with a trunk full of the next size we needed and once again the closet was stocked. Not to mention other angels who dropped of diapers in car pool line, or with a meal or brought wipes by just as the last box was being emptied.

We didn't have to buy one diaper until Crew and Coyt were EIGHT MONTHS OLD. I am no math wizard but there are two of them people!! That is A LOT of diapers, and A LOT of provision.

Those are just a few examples of how we've been supported and cared for during the last year and that doesn't include babysitters for date nights, school scholarships, etc. trust me I could go on and on and on!!

Sometimes I will find myself wordering if God really cares about something that seems small in my life or just unimportant. But just as He says, consider the lilies of the field, I think to myself, consider all those diapers. If he cares about Crew and Coyt's sweet precious tiny hineys and can orchestrate Pampers (for twins) showing up consistently when you need them, than YES he cares about _________.

The last year has tested me and taught me a lot about myself, my family and God. It has no doubt been an adventure and one of the absolute best years of my life! Have I mentioned it's been an incredible year? :)

Yes, there are two diapers to be changed every time you change one and there is often crying in stereo mode, there are two messes to clean up after every meal, and two droolers leaving a trail everywhere they go. However, there are also two little smiling boys that greet me every morning and two precious giggles I get to hear every day, two edible little voices saying Mama and two little clean baby loves to smother in kisses after baths. We are beyond blessed and so thankful for our C's.

And if you've been a part of our "village" we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!, but don't go too far, our twin adventures are just getting started. :)


  1. Tears streaming down my face after reading this post. I love, love, love hearing how God has provided for one of my very favorite families in the whole wide world. So hard for me to believe that they are one. Love you!

  2. Love those little stinkers SO much!! Wonderful words of wisdom Caryn and WHEW...what a year it's been!
    So thankful that God chose you to be their momma:)

  3. Love the trip down memory lane and love you all!!! Such a sweet post :)

  4. Crying while reading this!!! Feel so blessed to be the aunt of those two precious babes. (truth be told I feel like a second mommy...sister wife and all) I can't believe they are so big!!! You continue to amaze me with your tender, patient love for your boys. So thrilled to be with you on this road:)

  5. what a GORGEOUS post!! i love hearing how God has provided for your family every single step of the way. what a BLESSED mama you are!! p.s. the last pic of them & the potty looks SO much like things my boys did/do...i think you may have a couple of little twinadoes on your hands :)!!

  6. Oh that made me cry! Tears of joy!! How blessed we all are, and I love hearing about how God has provided for you. It's so true!

    And I loved walking down memory lane with the pics. And the last one===hilarious potty pic. Oh what's to come! :)

  7. Brought tears to my eyes.... love you, friend and I love those little twins!!
