Monday, December 12, 2011

Bugs, Basketball and Back to the Basics

There have been lots of fun happenings at WCS that I wanted to blog about.

Earlier this year I was invited to a bug tea party (or picnic if you are a six year old boy who does NOT do tea parties) in Stacey's class.
A little Spider lesson, after we had finished our food, he was thrilled to tell me that spiders eat their food by throwing it up and drinking it like a smoothie. :) Gross.

A few bug songs for entertainment.
More recently the school was invited to attend Baylor's first basketball game which was taking place during the school day. Let's see, math or a b-ball game!?!? Obviously a very fun treat for everyone. I drove a car load with five kindergartners and have new found respect for Mrs. Sims, Stacey's amazing teacher - WOW!
I love how into the game they all are.
Look who stopped by for a visit.
And lastly just before Thanksgiving I got to attend a field-trip to the Mayborn Museum with Wyatt's class and learn all about how the early settlers like to roll. I learned we would not have lasted long using buffalo bladders as canteens, grinding our own corn or sharing bath water with the rest of my family!

Wyatt rustlin' up some grub.
An Waco Indian hello
Skinning a deer
Ally grinding her own corn.
And just this week we attended our first Christmas Chapel, post on that coming soon. :)

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