Friday, September 16, 2011

Meet The Wildcats!

Today I got to attend an AWESOME pep rally for "Meet the Wildcats" at the boy's school. It was so cute and the kids were all beyond excited!! Keep in mind most of them have never been to a pep rally. This was Woodway Christians' first one ever and the first appearance of the wildcat mascot.

Everyone came in to the sounds of High School Musical blaring catchy tunes about togetherness and wildcats and if that doesn't get you fired up then I just don't know what will. It's like this generations, Eye of the Tiger. Apparently something about large cats just says - it's game time!

They were each given a pom pom and immediately it was spirit central. (It was yellow day in Stacey's class)
Charley and Wyatt
GP was on hand to help with the wonder twins. Thanks Dad!!
Honey did a great job getting everyone fired up and running the show. She started things off with a prayer for sportsmanship, in victory and defeat. I just love that prayer can be a part of everything they do at school.
The Volleyball team and Football team got to run through this banner. Pretty sure none of them weigh over 75 pounds, but they made it through just fine. ;)
While all the fans cheered them on. It's a little where's waldo, but if you look close you can find Stacey and Wyatt are in this picture.
THE Wildcat made his grand entrance and threw gum to all the cheering fans below.
Several of these precious teachers just happened to be former cheerleaders and led everyone in some cheers and chants. I was holding Coyt, who was temporarily a little freaked out by all the wildcat wonder, and sadly missed getting a shot of the pyramid - which included a perfect split and cartwheel by one of these superstars!! Just trust that it was fantastic (and something I couldn't do now or ever for that matter!).
What's a pep rally without a little spirit stick competition? Mrs. Dunlap's class was part of the winning group.
Just a little excited.
Go Wildcats!


  1. Gooooooddd Wilcats!!! Such a great way to start the day!

  2. HOW cute was that??? Go Woodway Wildcats!! :)
