Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hodge Podge Happenings

Well my throngs of readers (basically immediate family ;)) have been commenting that this little bloggy blog needs some updating and I really have no excuses for my lack of posts as of late other than my lack of decent photography! And when you see these pics you might just assume I kept them to myself too. But, since the fans (ahem, grandparents) have spoken I must not disappoint my people!!

Here are the cousin twins, Ally and Wyatt, giving me a hand with the true twins. I must say we love all the extra help we have around the house.

Nannie and Sarah didn't waste any time getting down here to see us (thank goodness!) and we rewarded them by showing off the local sights with a trip to the Richland Fashion Mall! :)
We also got a two back-to-school packages from Aunt Sarah - which the boys of course LOVED!!
Angry Birds Rule!
A shout out to our London Peeps!! I love my "Mummy" - HA! Shelley got these for the babes before they were born. Heaven knows their Mummy loves them to pieces.
Before you get too concerned about the size discrepancy between the twins in the following picture, that is actually Stacey III. :) When he discovered that he and the babies (or one baby as it was) had matching jammies, via cousin hand-me-downs, he couldn't wait to wear the "chicken" jammies together!!
A little trip to Barnes and Noble, I was feeling very daring letting them loose! Of course somehow SpongeBob ended up in the pic. instead of a beautiful picture book, that porous little yellow fella is always trying to squeeze his way into my world.
Speaking of yella fellas, we went to to our first Baylor game as local fans with the Sheps (loved seeing you guys!)! I felt a little like a traitor in my green and gold get up but the game was AWESOME and we are confident that our cheers helped give the Bears the extra umph they needed to win. Can't wait to go back.
And lastly a few pics of us last night enjoying the B-E-A-UTIFUL weather on a blanket with my babies.

So there you have it, a hodge podge post no doubt, but as you can see - life is good in our neck of the woods!!


  1. Gasp - green and gold - I never thought I would see you in it!

    Great hodge podge - good thing no one is badgering me to post. They would only continue to be disappointed. Ha!

    And love the description of the porous creature.

  2. Love seeing new pics:)! Since we see the babies so much now I hadn't realizedhow much they're growing but these pics let you see they have beenputting on some wonderful squishiness!!!
