Friday, July 15, 2011

Six Years Old

I know it's the same song second verse, but where does the time go???? Feels like just yesterday we were bringing our teeny tiny baby home from the hospital.

Stacey woke up and collected his trail of #6s and then perched himself in this spot until we were ready to open some presents!!
He kept saying, "I just can't believe I am six-years-old!" :) Precious thing."Wyatt" got him a Cars 2 (the 2 part is VERY important to these boys) Lego. We've got to work on Wyatt's gift giving skills, he is still a little rusty on the - not what you want what Stacey might want - concept. Thankfully, I think they both liked this one.
Coyt and Crew got him, some Phineus and Ferb figurines.
It was McDonald's flapjacks for breakfast, yes with Sprite - you only turn six once.
Then LOTS of playing with all his new toys, Wii games and swimming!
I asked III if he wanted to go anywhere or do anything for his special day, but he just wanted to stay home and play. Thank goodness, because Daddy had to work super late so it was just mommy and the boys all day. As much as I love taking the super twins and big brothers out on the town alone we operate a lot better four to one at home.

We ordered pizza for lunch per the birthday boys request. And we decorated a spectacular cake with, what else, the #6. It was a super simple birthday, but it was such a fun day with my boys.
Leftover pizza for dinner? Yes, please!Not gonna lie, Wyatt and my duet of Happy Birthday was a little weak.

Hope all your birthday wishes come true buddy!
Stacey Reese Smith III you are an absolute delight and it is such a gift to be your Mommy. This year you have grown so much in your independence. You have pushed back and tested your boundaries a lot and tested us as well!! You're often too cool for Mommy's kisses and have mastered the art of rolling your eyes. But when it is just us I KNOW you still love and need all our love and affection...even all my kisses!
You remain incredibly thoughtful and kind and for the most part you are a rule follower. You and Wyatt fight like cats and dogs, but you are ALWAYS thinking about him and you really are an AMAZING big brother. You adore Coyt and Crew and the feeling is mutual!! You are very helpful. I'm not sure how I would manage to entertain the C's without you! You shine when our whole family is together and as much as you love to go and do you also love days when we are home in our PJs all day long.
Your competitive drive has really risen to the surface this year. You are very serious about sports and games and DO NOT like to lose, but you are learning to have self control and be gracious when things don't go your way. You are pretty fearless and I'm amazed at how adventurous you are.

We call you the hummingbird because you LIVE for candy and dessert (yet you are a bag of bones)!

You are funny and smart and I know that you are going to thrive in Kindergarten. You often surprise me with your wit and I am amazed at how much information you soak up every single day!
I could go on and on but the bottom line is you are an AMAZING kid and we are so glad your ours. Happy Birthday, we agree with you, we just can't believe you're six-years-old!


  1. I could just eat you and your precious family and blog and boys UP! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO darling...every thing you write and share!:)))

    Those pics in all the 6's are PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cary! He is just so handsome!! Woww how is he 6??? Love the pirate theme and Hawaiian Falls?? so fun! I want to go!
