Sunday, January 2, 2011

Around the house

Just a few pictures of our peanuts from the past week.

They love to be together and since they are so tiny right now they swing together and snuggle in the bouncy seat or bassinet together all the time.
Two peas in a pod
Practicing for some birth announcement pictures (hopefully)
Snoozing with Daddy
All I want for Christmas...
Tummy time
First real bathes, they both loved the warm water and were much happier in the tub than with a sponge bath.

Both boys are doing great we just need them to put on a few pounds (or ounces) pronto. At two weeks they were not back to birth weight and a little scrawnier than our doctor would like. We're supplementing formula after nursing at each feeding and go back tomorrow for another weigh in. I would love your prayers for healthy weight gain, just make sure you specify that it is for Coyt and Crew, not Caryn, I do not want your prayers for weight gain. :)


  1. Praying and praying for rolls upon rolls on those boys SOON! You are an amazing mommy and I cannot wait to come visit and catch up once my kids are back in school this week! I'll call tomorrow!

  2. Okay, STOP with the insane cuteness! I am about to come over there and snuggle them right now!

    And praying for weight gain...theirs, not yours...laughing aloud! I wish I could give them some of mine! And I wish this huge baby in my tummy would magically morph into two tiny ones! Ha! Those boys are gorgeous!

    So thrilled for you.


  3. heehee such precious tiny miracles :). if you ever ever want to talk nursing twins don't hesitate to shoot me an email. it is a complicated deal but it can work very nicely :). i am proud of you for even trying and will be praying for the BABIES to gain weight :).

  4. I didn't keep up with blogs on my 1-day vacay and feel like I got a fun present getting to read about the cuties this morning! Praying for healthy weight gain for the boys...not you! :)
