Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wyatt's Wednesday Wisdom

Wyatt - Hey Mom, can I go swimming
Me - Why don't you go ask your Father
Wyatt - (pause, with a confused look on his face) Is that Daddy?


  1. this absolutely cracked me up!! ha ha kids are funny!! i wanted to leave a comment on your baby post but was afraid you wouldn't go back to look at your comments :). i have been meaning to email you and ask about your babies!! I AM PRAISING THE LORD FOR YOUR HEALTHY TWINS!! oh that is just the best news. and i am so glad you are taking belly will LOVE them!! isn't it bizarre how at 12 wks they look like such BABIES?? i am so excited to find out what you are having!! email me anytime!!

  2. I love that Wyatt!! Josh and I were talking and of all the cousins Lila's personality is the most like crazy Wy guys:) Can't wait to see you all again next week!

    PS LOVE the babies profile pics. Praise the Lord:)
