Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Party

If you look closely you can catch a glimpse of the Purdy girls gone western in the background of this picture, at least two of them - HA!

With a little less western flair I got to host an Easter Party with my favorite girls in the whole world on Friday! And by host I really mean drive into town and just enjoy all their preparations!

The boys were thrilled about hanging with their cousins and having a party!

Honey and GP were gracious enough to let us have the shindig at their house, GP even made burgers for everyone - you guys are just the best!! Thankfully the rain held off long enough for us to have the egg hunt and enjoy the backyard the whole time.
Kacey giving instruction on dyeing eggs.

And then, drum roll....she pulled out the big guns and arranged for the EASTER BUNNY to make an appearance at the par-tay!!
The kids were priceless watching the Easter Bunny, and learning the bunny hop.
What a treat!
I had so much fun catching up with friends and enjoying watching all our kiddos play together.
I can not believe how old these two are getting!!!! Landon and Caroline were born just a few weeks apart and were the first babies from my high school girlfriends. I seriously feel like just yesterday we were ooing and awing over them just home from the hospital.
Fast friends, Charley and Wyatt. These two could be trouble together ;)I'm thinking we may have ourselves a little good Friday tradition, so if you find yourselves in Waco next Easter get ready to party.


  1. Looks like a blast! May have to actually be in Waco one year to do this with you guys, although I don't know if I have EVER been in Waco for Easter my entire life, thanks to Galveston and all. Crazy now that I think about that. Looks like a fun party, bunny hop and all.

  2. iT WAS EVERY BIT OF THE BLAST THIS POST MAKES IT OUT TO BE! We loved getting to party with you guys and like I always say...those Purdy girls can throw a mean one! Love you!

  3. I'm still sad that I missed this! :( Thank you so much for helping keep watch over my miss priss! Her details were lacking about what she did, but now that I've seen the "bunny hop" picture, I know it was a wild party! If it's a Purdy party, it's a perfect party!
