As of yesterday we have a brand new cousin/nephew!!!! Truett Stebbins Woodbury was welcomed into the world at 8:20 am. weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measuring 19.5 in. long. Shelley (Stacey's sister) and Geoff went in that morning to be induced but Shelley was already half way there and didn't waste any time. Sadly, because she is so good at having babies none of us were there in time for the "He's Here!" announcement but we arrived shortly after to love on our newest addition to the family. He is so cuddly and precious and I think I could hold him all day long. Stacey and Wyatt offered lots of love and were very excited to get to meet their new cousin.
Brylie (big sister) offering some kisses to her baby brother.So much love.
Truett, God has given you a wonderful family. You have no idea how blessed you are to be a part of this incredible, loving, loud, generous, caring, hilarious, Godly clan. We're so glad you're here.
I have gotten to hold two beautiful, healthy, perfect newborns in one week, my cup runeth over. God, you are so good!
Teary Wendi after reading that and seeing those pictures of you, Stacey and III holding that itty bitty thing. SWEETNESS! III's smile when holding the Tbird is priceless! Come on, please!!!! I need you!!!!
ReplyDeleteWendi it right - SHE NEEDS YOU! (and I need to experience another "anxiously waiting in the L&D waiting room!") Sorry - I will lay off now that I have spoken my mind.
ReplyDeleteTBird is precious! How exciting to have another tiny one to love on all the time now! Christmas at the Smith house is going to be so much fun!
yay for cousins! III looks so old compared to little truett! You are right, God is so good. Congratulations Aunt Cary.
ReplyDeleteAw, so excited for the Smith clan! What a blessing. And, I must say, I am a little partial to baby boys now... :)