Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hearing Impaired

I think my children might be deaf.

They respond to sound and their speech doesn't seem impaired but it is the only explanation that I can come up with for their behavior. SURELY if they could hear the instructions, advice, warnings and threats that I am gently pouring (or occasionally wildly screaming) at them 24/7 they would not be arguing, hitting, screaming, pouting, crying, WHINING, chocking , pushing, WHINING, disobeying and disrespecting. Surely.

We're off for a hearing test. Keep your fingers crossed, the alternative is rather unpleasant.


  1. You are doing great, momma! Don't lose hope!

    But, oh, the whining! I think that is my least favorite. That may change since mine aren't quite old enough to fight with one another yet. Although I have heard "no! Baby touching MY car!". I guess it won't be long...

  2. Here's hoping for hearing aides:-). (Chin, chin). The whining gets me every day. You are doing a great job and hopefully this weekend will be whine free in 'the big pool'!!!

  3. Oh do I hear you, Sister! It has been a rough couple of days for one of my precious darlings as well. Hummm...which one? You will just have to guess!

  4. I'm laughing because I SO understand! Thank God His mercies are new every morning and tomorrow is a new day!!

  5. our days sound very similar! I think my most difficult is the fighting!
