Friday, May 15, 2009

White Men Can't Jump

Or can they?? Stacey has been playing in a b-ball league with some friends through FBC McKinney and they finally had a 7:00 game (several were at 9:00) that didn't conflict with other plans so Daddy had his own cheering squad (and two very willing subs should they need them) in attendance. 

This precious picture of my three ballers was snapped just moments before Wyatt busted it on the bleachers and knocked his front tooth lose.
I have become rather accustom to falls that result in bloody lips following around these two rough and tumble boys and although unnerving I can keep my cool even when I realize they are bleeding, but finding the source of the blood is always the scary part. This time it wasn't just a lip. I talked to my dentist today and we are hoping that the coils that hold the tooth in place (Shannon M, don't laugh at my description) will tighten back up and that the problem will fix itself, but his tooth is REALLY lose and low. We'll go in early next week for an x-ray, so we're just hoping that he doesn't knock it out before then. Since he doesn't have all his baby teeth yet I'm thinking it will be awhile before a replacement arrives.

Sorry no team pictures! I started chatting with Melanie and sort of forgot to capture any shots of our athletes in action, but trust me, they looked good out there!!


  1. girl - watch that tooth like a hawk. a kid can go from never needing ortho to all of sudden needing everything when just one baby tooth falls out years too soon. it should tighten up - don't let him chew on anything sticky....

  2. bless both of your sweet hearts. i don't mind the blood but i definitely worry about teeth falling out or chipping. eeks sounds like he'll be ok. i will definitely pray!! we had our first busted chin today. we decided not to do stitches. i can't believe we haven't gone to the ER yet. our days are coming!

  3. A similar thing happened to my niece McKenzie! She was playing, fell, and knocked her two front teeth back. It's been about a month, now, and it looks like they've rehardened. She had to eat soft food for a while. I'll be praying for his little tooth to harden and stay IN!!

  4. Ah! I'm scared of little boy accidents! :) I've got to toughen up!
    Now---that picture of your 3 boys---PRECIOUS! Framer!! :)

  5. Oh no wyatt!!! He and Ryan will match at Disney(Ryan's top tooth is also really, really loose). hopefully Ashley will be able to fix it this week! Let us know. That really stinks, but the pic of your 3 boys is so cute!
