Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kooky Cookies

Shannon had all the cookie decorating goodies ready to roll last night and the kiddos had a blast loading up their cookies with layer after layer of Halloween treats.

Stacey was surprisingly serious about his decorating.

Wyatt, not so much.

The boys LOVE playing with Reagan and Landon. Stacey has a little trouble saying Landon's name (I have no idea why - speech pathologists any ideas?) So he'll say Reagan and Reagan when he means Reagan and Landon. He talks about "Reagan" a lot, but we know he really means Landon...not that he and R don't have a special bond too :)

We've been having dinner with the Brown's (and used to the Svoboda's) every other Monday since before we had kids and I look forward to it every week!

Thanks for the extra special festivities this week SB!

1 comment:

  1. what fun...stacey had his serious Ryan face on:) he's super excited about this weekend.
