Stacey was such a good Daddy last night (he always is, but he got extra points last night). He headed up the pumpkin carving for the sake of fall traditions for our family. I know that is probably not top of the list of things you couldn't wait to get home and do, but you were such a good sport and we love you for it!!!

Wyatt's attention span didn't last too long, but III was pretty engaged. The "guts" and seeds had his interest peeked.
What should his face look like? III decided two eyes a nose and a mouth. Good call.
Oh Daddy, those eyes are too scary! Not Scary!
What a sweet Daddy, even when the boys were running around the house instead of "helping" with the carving, he kept right on making sure Jim (Did I mention the boys named our pumpkin Jim?) just right.
TA DA!!!
We turned off all the lights so we could all admire Jim's glow and that brought the wide eyed troops back to the table in a flash.
Thanks for being such a wonderful Daddy (and skilled pumpkin carver!!). We love you!!!
OK Jim...seriously where did that come from??? Way to go Stacey, awesome job!!!