Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Silly Lunch

I am all for anything that mixes up a slow day. And as you might guess from the fact that we're still in jammies at lunch time, this day is pretty slow around here - don't get me wrong I love a day without an agenda and there is plenty around here to keep me busy...I'm rambling back to silly lunch. I was thrilled to get some inspiration from my friend Shannon's blog http://shannonogans.blogspot.com/ (side note - Shannon, I need to know how you make the link the person's name...?) for mixing up any ordinary meal. Stacey loved it and kept repeating what I had very enthusiastically told him that this was one crazy silly lunch.
You'll notice a few repeats and more sweets than our lunch would normally have, but the boy cleaned out all 12 compartments (with just a little help from Bob and Jack...pretty sure they were given two of the four pb&J hearts) and for a child who is only living and breathing because of the energy provided from a steady diet of yogurt, popcorn and chicken nuggets that is something!
Wyatt isn't quite ready for that kind of silly plate, but he managed to make his lunch crazy all the same. Seriously, somebody stop me, I don't know what it is with these goggles, but they crack me up!

Happy lunching!


  1. we've tried muffin tin mondays a couple of times but i honestly can't fill up a muffin tin with food that my picky child will eat. i need a very small tin. with one compartment. oh wait, that would be a bowl. i guess we'll stick with a bowl.

    maybe one of these days! i l-o-v-e-d the color challenge they did w/ that awhile back. i started making a beautiful palette of food for truett, starting with blueberries. he got so impatient while waiting for the grub that i finally gave in and dumped it all on his plate b/c i couldn't stand the whining anymore.

    we have food issues around here. one won't eat, the other won't stop eating. :)

    the last pic cracked me up!


  2. So fun!! I will have to remember that one :)

  3. you inspired me to write a post about yesterday's lunch. :)

  4. That is one of the cutest things I've ever seen - what a great idea!
