We went in today for Wyatt's one year check up. I know it is a little delayed since he is actually 14 months old now, but for whatever reason we didn't have an appointment on the calendar so better late than never. He is 25 lb. 11 oz. and 32". He is in the 75
th percentile all around. He took his shots like a champ. But they had to draw extra blood to do some tests. Dr. Randall said his liver and spleen felt a little large so she just wanted to make sure everything was OK (she assured me it was more of a precaution than anything). Other than that he was perfect, just as we suspected. I HATE holding those sweet hands while he cries, but thankfully it didn't last too long. Here are a few pictures of our precious boy.
A man on the move!
Love the pictures!! What a cutie :)