Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day

We had a GREAT time this weekend at Granny Liz's house at Lake LBJ. Stacey LOVES getting to play with his cousins Ryan and Ally and we love hanging with our family. The lake is one of my favorite places in the world and I have endless childhood memories in that backyard so it is fun to see the next generation enjoying the same things we did. Kacey, my little sister is pregers and it was the first time we had had any quality time together since she shared the news. We were tired when we came home and reminded once again that vacation with two under two is rarely restful, but so worth it.

Don't Drown Daddy!!

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures! It looks like you all had such a fun day!

    I'm so happy you started a more family I can stalk from home.
