Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wyatt's Wednesday Wisdom

Overheard this one when the boys were in bed.
"Hey Stace, you know Mom and Dad? (pause, no response from Stace) Der growned ups."

Sunday, May 23, 2010



I think this kid is ready! Thursday was Stacey's last day of preschool and they had an elaborate water day to celebrate. All morning he was telling me, "Today is going to be SO AWESOME!" I said, "I can't wait to hear all about it when I pick you up." He responded with, "I probably won't even remember it all." There was just going to be way too much fun for him to even retain it all. Hilarious
We of course hit up happy hour at Sonic to kick of the beginning of what promises to be the best summer ever.
For the last two summers our pool has been a haven for frogs, and an eye sore to say the least, due to some much needed but very pricey repairs that just weren't in the cards. But, we feel beyond blessed that this year we were able to resurface the pond and turn it back into a pool!!!!! Just a few months ago it looked like this: YUCK!
But not any more!
Who's ready to go swimming??
Nothing says it's officially summer (of course other than it actually being "officially" summer, which I realize it isn't) than the first swim of the season.

Could these fish be any happier!?!

I'm pretty sure this is where you'll find us for the next 90 days or so. So when you need to beat the heat come on over for a dip!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wyatt's Wednesday Wisdom

There are just too many little treasures that come out of this boys mouth and while they aren't always blog worthy I want to remember them one day. So, say hello to "Wyatt's Wednesday Wisdom" a new series sure to be followed by "Stacey's Sunday Sayings"...or something like that - because we try to be an equal opportunity blog.
"Hey Mawmmm, You know ladybugs? They can't talk...der too busy flyin"
(yes, I realize that is a rolly polly and not a lady bug but, I wanted to include a picture on this first installment and rolly pollys are all the rage these days. After a little too much love he informed me that, "dat rolly polly is broken" or dead as the rest of us like to call it!)

Until next Wednesday. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Birthday Bliss

On Sat. We got to celebrate Cate's 2nd birthday at one of our favorite places, Little Gym. The boys were pumped and did not stop moving and smiling the entire time we were there.

Cate was precious and seemed to enjoy her party just as much as her guests.
I enjoyed getting to catch up with these sweet mommies (all three are preggers!!)
Thanks for a great party!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day Luncheon

On Thursday Stacey had his end of the year program and Mother's Day luncheon. Daddy got to come to the program but it was Mommies only for lunch. They sang lots of precious songs (Shannon B had better post video of her superstar in the making's solo) and quoted scripture. It just delights my soul to see these precious preschoolers hiding God's word in there hearts!! And, reminds me once again how blessed we are to get to attend such a wonderful school where God's word informs and influences everything they do (Parkway Hills Baptist Church Weekday Preschool, just in case you're looking for a great school).

Stacey was standing next to a few of his buddies during the performance and at one point the little stinker was just singing the words baby, baby , baby over and over again in place of the lyrics - no doubt trying to entertain his posse. I doubt most observers noticed but I wanted to bust out laughing and march up there and reprimand him all in one instant.
All the Moms had a DELICIOUS lunch from Cafe Max!!
While the kids enjoyed a picnic.
Stacey's wonderful teacher Mrs. Carol has been an absolute blessing and we are SO grateful for her investment in Stacey's life this year.
Stacey, I had a fantastic time with you on our lunch date and I can not believe this school year is almost over. Thanks for making me a Mommy, there is nothing in this whole world I'd rather be.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gum in the hair

I thought this was a dilemma exclusively for "girl moms"?? I thought wrong.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Down On The Farm

Stacey has been learning all about farm animals at school. To wrap up the unit they had a petting zoo! Mrs. Carol sent me these sweet pictures. I love seeing pictures of my kids that I didn't take, it's like a little window into their world.

The kids might be sad to learn that zebras don't reside on most farms, but, since they were wrapping up the alphabet and it was Z day he fit right in.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

Last night Big surprised us with tickets to see How to Train Your Dragon at the IMAX in 3D. The boys were elated and it was such a fun little family night out!!
We got to wear these AWESOME glasses! I didn't have my camera but Stacey snapped this picture with his phone.
Stacey III told me afterwards that he cried a little bit at he end. I said, "Was it a little scary?" He said, "No, I cried because I was so happy." Hilarious, not sure if he really shed a tear but he was definitely one happy camper.

Thanks Big and Nannie for the impromptu treat!