Friday, January 29, 2010


Yesterday we celebrated Stacey III turning 4 1/2!!! I'm always up for a party, but we don't usually celebrate half birthdays around here. However, since Stacey has a summer birthday he gets to have an un-birthday at school and we thought January would be the perfect time to do it since he is officially four and a half this month.

At the last minute I decided it would be a fun to celebrate at home too!

We started the day off with streamers, which is really all you need to delight these boys and a half birthday breakfast. Half a nutrigrain bar, half a banana and half a waffle. Such little effort, such huge excitement.
Then we played "find the other half" a game I invented on the fly. I just cut paper in half in different patterns and then Stacey matched up each piece with its' missing half.
Mission accomplished. Why Yes, funny you should ask, Dad did pick out their jammies. :)
Then the half birthday boy was off to preschool, but we showed up with a special lunch from Chick-a-lay.

Wyatt anxiously awaiting the arrival of the class.
The birthday boy finally arrived and was really excited to see his special guests!!
Stacey told me on Tuesday in his most serious voice, "Mom, I don't think you get to wear the birthday crown if it's just your fake birthday." I assured him I had talked to the officers in charge of the birthday crown and he would in fact get to wear the coveted hat - fake birthday or not.

His sweet little class praying, I love all the peeking eyes.
Even Daddy got to be there to celebrate!!

This is the life.
Then it was time for cake and if you've been reading long you know how we like to role, cookie cake of course. :)
We sang happy birthday and Stacey blew out his four and a half candles.
Mrs. Carol Stacey's precious teacher. She is just wonderful!!!
We slipped out after lunch with the four and a half year old for a special half birthday errand. That morning I had smuggles William and Batman puppy in the back of the car (which thrilled the boys) and decided to go cash in the gift cards Santa brought and get them each a new outfit.
After careful consideration we now have a race car driver and a football player.
Not sure what the law has to say about strapping a stuffed monkey to your child, but William's safety was all I was really concerned about.
After a fun filled half birthday day we wrapped things up with a birthday dinner including half a birthday hat. ;)
Even our newly made-over friends enjoyed the festivities.Happy Half Birthday Stacey!! This was the best fake birthday I've ever celebrated and I have a feeling it won't be the last.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Last Friday when the weather was B-E-A-UTIFUL!! We headed to the Arboretum for a little play date with our friends from our community group.

Cade, Grace, Wyatt, Stacey & Caleb (we were just missing Braysen, our newest member).
Grace showing off her ballet skills.
Caleb getting a helping hand from his Mommy, Julie.
Wyatt and Cade just riding a deer.
I LOVE this spot at the Arboretum no matter what season it is and even though the boys are hopping like frogs through the tree-lined path instead of posing for a picture I thought I'd include it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 Years Old

Watermark (our church) is 10 years old!!! We've been celebrating this month and since we've been around for most of those 10 years it has been fun to look back at all the places we've met, things we've done and all that God has accomplished within this wonderful body of believers. He is SO good.

There was a state-fair inspired celebration a few weeks ago complete with bounce houses,
Fletchers corny dogs, corn on the cob
and rock climbing (just to name a few).

Stacey waited in a long line for this one...well actually Aunt Sarah waited - thanks Sarah!Because nothing says rock climber like argyle socks and color coordinated loafers. He He.
A happy anniversary was had by all.

My Wyatt

On Tuesdays and Thursdays while Stacey is in school Wyatt and I get some great one on one time together. We run lots of errands, but when we're not doing that (and of course while we're doing that!) I love getting to soak up every precious second with this little guy.

He's pretty hilarious, and I know I am biased, but trust me you just can't help but fall in love with him. ;)

I pack a lunch for Wyatt, per his very adamant request, while I am packing Stacey's on school days. And even though he doesn't need one, it makes him VERY happy to carry it around and it has come in handy lots of times when we are out and about and we decide to have an impromptu lunch date. Which we did today.

Wyatt I love you so much and I LOVE getting to spend my Tuesdays and Thursdays with you. You've informed at least once a day since we turned in your registration last week that "I get to go to schoo like Stace next year!" And while I can't wait for you to get to experience all the greatness of pre-school, I am going to miss my little buddy on days like this!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


They say kids can't understand sarcasm, but, I think ours might be catching on.

Wyatt: Crying and whining about wanting something (can't remember what - but it was VERY important at the time).
Dad: Oh, well if you really want it just keep crying because you always get what you want if you just cry and whine about it.
Stacey III: (small pause) NOT!!

Sure he's about 15 years late with his hip "not" response, but still you have to give the kid some props (because that's a word everyone uses) (guess that solves the mystery of where he is picking up these super current phrases) for his whit.

Our parenting book on how to instill sarcasm and other such biblical virtues in your children will be on store shelves soon.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Homegrown Fun

One empty wrapping paper role cut in half = two equally powerful weapons to defend against monsters and intruders.

Enter at your own risk.

Friday, January 8, 2010


When it's 19 degrees outside and school is canceled there really isn't anything better than staying in you jammies all day and enjoying some hot chocolate!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Must Have for 2010

They're flying off the shelves so get one while you can!!
Trust me, you won't be disappointed with either model.

Enjoy :)

Check out this video that my man and vampire BFF stared in for ski trip.

Twilight Parody

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!

Christmas morning with our family was great. The boys are at such fun ages and so precious waiting to see what Santa brought them. Stacey checked to see that he had enjoyed his milk and cake balls. He said "Yep, he ate them." Check. Then it was onto the stash!!
Santa has LOTS of helpers with everyone contributing to the loot so the boys haul was ridiculously sweet! They must have been very good this year.
Oh the joy!
We have all the kids wait and come out together so we can watch and video. I have vivid memories of waiting in that same game room on Christmas morning for the go-ahead from Dad that everyone was up and we could come out!

Right before we walked out Stacey leaned in and whispered to me, "I hope Santa brought me some Bakugans!" And thankfully Santa had added some last minute. Phew. I realize that my kids will not always get everything they want for Christmas but when $4.99 stands between them and that dream we can make it happen! Well $10.99 I went with the deluxe starter kit. :)

I had previously told him I wasn't sure if they made Bakugans at Santa's workshop - thinking he just wanted some because Landon (his mentor #2 right behind his cousin Ryan) had them but didn't really care about them. However, they continued to be at the top of his list and were the one thing he asked Santa for when we visited earlier in the week.

When he saw them he said, "See Mom, I told you they could make these at Santa's workshop!" I could have just eaten up every little bit of his 4 year old cuteness!

Love the bed-head.
And I love this little bat-boy too!!
When I asked Wyatt the next day what Santa had brought him he said, "I got sprite!! And a hepicopter (helicopter)" I love that the first thing he thought of was his ornament shaped Sprite. :)

We spent the rest of the morning in our PJ's just playing and playing and playing and finished the day with a FANTASTIC meal prepared by my Dad and a trip to the movies.

I can't help but feel beyond blessed.

Only 355 days until we get to do it all over again. :)

Christmas Eve 2009

I love Christmas Eve. Growing up Christmas Eve at our house was just as fun and important, if not more so, than Christmas Day. And this year was no different. Tradition continued and we read the Christmas story together (this year GP read "What Is Christmas?"), went to the Christmas eve service and opened all of our non Santa gifts.
Wyatt got his first chainsaw. How hilarious is that? Not sure why but it just makes me laugh.
The boys also opened up the shirts they are wearing from Aunt Angie (along with a toy of course :) and much to our surprise they both wanted to put them on right then. You just never know, apparently they were excited about clothes this Christmas.

Stacey got Mack, a perfect addition to his Cars collection.
And new spiderman sheets!!
Ally modeling some of her new dress up clothes and jewelry.
We got all the big kids a personalized video from Wyatt gets to tag along and help Dora and Diego on one of their adventures. These are pretty hilarious.
And finally drum roll please...matching PJ's, another Christmas tradition!! Thanks Honey.
I think those might be a little big?
That's better.